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The different treatmens

Updated: Oct 29, 2022

1. Hoof care

It may happen that one day you have to trim your pig's hooves because they are getting too long, or you may never have to.

This treatment is carried out either at the veterinarian with or without anesthesia (preferable without because anesthesia is never to be taken lightly! This is why it is necessary to accustom him from an early age to let his limbs be manipulated) or well in a person capable and competent to carry out the latter.

2. Skin care

- The pig's skin is very dry by nature, you can feed it with a simple vegetable oil (coconut oil, olive oil, etc.) when necessary and/or have a corner mud weather permitting.

-!! Attention !! ;

Do not apply oil if your pig cannot hide from the sun during the summer season (which must not be the case because your pig must absolutely never be exposed to the sun, this subject will be subject to a future article).

3. Ear care

- If necessary, the cleaning of the ears will be done using a piece of tissue that we will come and put on the finger and go and remove the excess "waste", quite simply (or not)!

4. Vaccination

- There are several vaccines, compulsory or not compulsory depending on your geographical area; here they are ;

- red mullet

- Atrophic rhinitis

- Parovirus

- Aujeszky's disease

- Rabies

!!! Some pigs may react following the administration of one or more vaccines, if you notice a problem, call your veterinarian!!!

5. Sterilization

One of the most important points! If you want a pet pig, I strongly suggest that you sterilize it (if it isn't already). A pig that isn't will be unlivable! The males during the heat will spend their time mounting you, urinating on them as soon as they can, trying to bite you, you charge… Same for the females. In addition, a pig dedicated to the company, if it does not reproduce, it would be more likely to develop cancer of the genital organs according to several scientific studies.

6. The dewormer

An overlooked point. Your pig will need to be dewormed at least twice a year depending on its lifestyle. You can ask your veterinarian: Panacur or Ivomec, powder and/or injection.

Be careful, some "greener" alternatives such as essential oils or others would be totally ineffective and/or dangerous depending on the dosage, always contact a veterinarian or other specialist.

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